Wednesday 17 October 2018

drama OSTs

Now, I'm well aware that there are people around me who wonder why it is that I'm 150% into movies and drama series etc, etc, why I'm (still) into such *nonsense* when I'm well past the (right) age to be caught up in such entertainment, and why I am unashamed of my heart-shooting, star-filled emoji eyes.  

Because I'm one of those weird souls who somehow missed the boat at a time when I should have been on it, and so I'm trying to play catch up now.

There's another deeper, more contemplative reason why I'm into each drama, whether it be for the story, the plot or the actor.
Simply because each show, each cast member, and each OST represents a memory, a time, a season of my life, the ups and downs. Since 2012 (yeah, I'm a latecomer), each drama that I've watched faithfully has become so attuned to my daily life that it's like what pen and paper is to me. I've memories for every single drama I've watched. I've lessons that that I've surreptitiously learnt... and I can assure you, every single show I've watched has touched me in a very deep way.
It's much more than anyone can imagine.
And so now as I'm listening to a partial playlist of OSTs, here're the moments, and the memories. :) Excuse the ramble; I'm writing this real time.
1.This show featuring about News Broadcasters I watched as I was, coincidentally, working on a project that had its Lead proclaiming her skillsets as a honcho from the Broadcast Industry and so knew what was to be expected and how the project *should* be done this way or that.
2. This show about a Crown Prince and a girl who dressed up as a man to be an eunuch, I watched because everyone was saying that the lead actor was cute and I thought it seemed to be quite a contemplative show. Well, it was, just as much as light hearted it was and there was quite a bit of moonlight. Also around this time the winds were blowing wonderfully from the northeast directly into the room where I was sat hugging cushions, looking at sweet cakes and wondering about the youth of South Korean actresses.
3. They said this wasn't one of the more popular shows but there were six male actors in this show, including V, who led me to appreciate BTS more, and well, the six were really cute, plus the plot made me think of how this particular Kingdom existed 600 years ago, how I happened to be in the same province where this Kingdom was, how I felt what I felt when I was there, how history isn't really history but is present day, how far they've come, and how yes, they're still here.
4. This is a fairly sad song. The show wasn't as sad, okay, it was, because a separated love, Wolverine claws, green eyes, and the reincarnation of a thousand years between lovers is always a sad, sad story... but this song makes it even sadder. I've never stopped thinking of it as time, timelessness and how memories aren't really memories but can be as real as they are today.
5. I won't forget the ground-floor room of the shop house where I watched this show in. Neither will I forget how the hair looked on the lead actor and how this was supposed to be a medical drama but instead all I heard throughout was Hwata, Hwata, and Hwata. I won't forget the white shutters of the shop house either, nor the Special K cereal, or the fact that this show taught me so, so much about the history of the Peninsula. This was one show that had actresses stuff their face with mandoos as part of the plot and that there are some elements of history and culture which just cannot be taken away. 
6. Oh. A second floor in another shop house. This had a lot of black, a lot of drawers and a wife so choked I had to move around the space just to get the video running smoothly and happily. Plot wise, a sad, sad love story about female ghosts with no name and magistrates who fight and then fall in love with them... also, how ghosts get hungry and will get as many cute looking steamed rice cakes as they can get their hands on when they get the chance.
7. I thought this was a light-hearted show. And it was, but as light and funny and bright and simple as the story was, there were episodes which were just so, so sad. Because all of us wish that we can go back in time and change things, but we don't realize that when we do change one element, other elements change too, and each time we go back through the manhole (of time) we find ourselves mired in brand new elements that we never foresaw and which we have to deal with all over again, and that has a tinge of regret somehow. This was watched at a time when I was working on a commissioned piece of work and I realized- after the surprise reminder of JYJ and Kim Jae Joong- that I had much to develop on in terms of Character Development... and which I hope I've done.