Friday 19 October 2018

curry, Not curry

She shook her head in disgust when this picture was shown to her. Looking furtively around to see that her caregiver was absent, she whispered, "It's not curry."

"You don't like it?"

"No lar.." She replied, her voice still a whisper. "I mean, it looks like curry but not spicy enough and then no coconut milk inside some more. No santan inside curry where got nice?"

Apparently, Miss Brown's version of curries includes those laden with lots and lots of thickened coconut milk, which is, in short, curry, and laksa gravy.

But during Operation Lipid-Lowering, anything with thickened coconut milk was out of the question- that doctor said so- but because she really missed her laksa and chicken curry and rendang curry, her caregivers decided to consult some nutritionist-dietician-something who gave them a recipe for a curry.

A lipid-lowering one.
Miss Brown doesn't know what it goes into this dish. She doesn't want to know.
"What for? Not like I'm going to eat it again." She says nonchalantly.
But she knows that it was an unusual recipe. She remembers going to the supermarket for tomatoes and onions and red peppers and some chilies. She remembers them all standing around the stove watching this dish bubbling happily away in the saucepan so she also knows that the chef-for-the-day added a couple of spoonfuls of some sort of powder from little boxes (it was garam masala) and one big plastic container

"Actually, when we were all standing there, I was quite excited." She admits. "It looked like so hot, hot, so spicy like that, I thought it would be nice."  

But the taste, she grumbles, was more like tomato stew with some funny spice flavors than the real, solid curry she knows and loves. They didn't eat it again after that. Just that day, which they ate with rice, and the extras on the day after, and that was it.

Miss Brown doesn't care.

"Bluff people one." She says emphatically. "Healthy lar, I know, but if want to eat, then eat good one lar. Why go for this kind of curry, but not curry, tomato stew, but not tomato stew, kind of meal like that? Where got nice?"