Saturday 20 October 2018

forested Views

How ironic it should be, honestly, that despite living in a Garden City, few and far between are the times when I feel like I'm completely immersed amongst the coolness and freshness of trees.
It isn't that my eyes don't land on a wash of green- it is that many of such trees have become so regular a part of living here that their presence tends to fall to the wayside.
You don't actually notice what tree it is whose crown you're walking under until one day that tree is gone and the emptiness sets in. Neither do you realize how valuable those pockets of green grass and little fields are until bulldozers roll in and ground digging starts.
Still, I try to capture as many green moments as I can... sometimes not without some effort, and if I don't feel the mist of the trees swirl about me, at least I can still imagine...