Wednesday 29 November 2017

not Just a Story

This is turning out to be more than just *another* story.

Which is a very surprising thing, as at no time did it ever occur to me that it would have a different purpose rather than just being another asset added to the stable- if it so may be called.

It didn't occur to me that there might be a distinct need for it, or that there might be a distinctive audience who will possibly see it beyond what an asset normally is created to be.

I'm talking in circles.

And deliberately so.

Because the time to step out of the closet has not yet come.

Because it is too premature to talk about it and I'm gladly leaving it to the hands of experts to descend upon it, dissect it, chop it up, rearrange it and then cook it, bake it, roast it and finally garnish it.

Yet, right now, at this very moment, I can safely say that out of the faceless, nameless group of people that will form one big reason why I have this task on hand (and am aiming to complete it by end this year, yes, I know), there is at least one group that is no longer faceless, and will be represented by someone who has, or had, a name.

How far this will go, how well this will carry an effect upon them, I don't know, but divine it really is, that the perception should come at a time when I was in a place that pretty much accepted these things.

And so, that being so, there is just that glimmer of hope that when it does finally come out of the closet, it will mean something to them, that this will awaken a realization in them, that this will perhaps, just perhaps be a sort of resource where they can at least alter their perception, spur on their courage, step out, and know that silence is not always necessary, that feeling safe and being safe is ultimately important, and that, if there be extremes, if there be more pain that one can bear, that there can be avenues of recourse, somehow, somewhere.