Thursday 9 November 2017

pretty foods: Mee Goreng

Shiok sia!
Once in a while I do something as random as this.
Take a picture of whatever I'm eating, keep the memory and then try to write an article about it. :)
And then when there's nothing coming in the head, well, leave it and let the picture speak for itself.
I hope. :D
Anyway this day the light was good, the camera was with me, I was at Toast Box Esplanade where the sun shines so brightly in, so I took the picture. :) 
My plate of Mee Goreng.
Which isn't something I often choose. But since this day I didn't feel like having chicken curry with rice, or noodle soup or toast with kaya and butter, I decided on this for lunch instead.
Pretty great a choice I should say!
Well fried.. (goreng, see, goreng) with the right amount of spice, a dollop of well-mixed chili, a small little fish ball, a not so small little fish ball, a slice of luncheon meat and peas and carrots on the side.