Tuesday 28 November 2017

one More Green spot

I got a different vibe this afternoon.

And I do not know whether it had anything to do with the meeting that I'd just finished prior to arriving at this spot right behind the bus stop.

Sometimes it might just be yourself, you know. It might just be the very present mood that you're in and which affects your perception of things, and has absolutely nothing to do with the surroundings.

But it just felt a little different this afternoon.

Was it me?

Was it just me?

Was it just me who felt like there were drifters in the midst of those leaves? Was it just me who felt like there were drifters dwelling in those leaves and bushes and who didn't come out until a stipulated time and who often stayed concealed, hidden and quiet until they were granted an opportunity, by whatever, by something which we do not know? Was it just me who felt like they were lurking there, just waiting?

Scary? No

They weren't waiting to pounce on humankind and living souls. They weren't waiting with gleaming eyes and evil smiles. They weren't anything either. Just being. Just Being There. Just moving. Moving amongst the leaves. Moving amongst the branches. Moving amongst the twigs. They were in their own separate world. They were there in whatever they were.

They didn't seem to care about the modernity of life. About the road that ran alongside it. And neither did they seem to be bothered by the cars trundling down that very same road or the buses that were stopping less than a meter from the green forested space.

As if... as if they lived in a different space and time.