Thursday 16 November 2017

The Last Voice

Two months.
Two months is all I've got to finish it, edit it, summarize it, set out the various settings in as much detail as possible, and clean it up.
I've made it through a couple of voices and I'm now down to the last.
She's turning out to be the most challenging of the lot. I thought the second one was difficult. I thought the third one had actually nothing to tell me. And I thought that this one, the last one, had plenty to share with me.
She does have plenty to share with me.
But it seems like she has so much to share that after several paragraphs, she's still hovering round and round the same circle.
And I don't know whether I should tell her to stop.
What happens if I do? What happens if I don't? What happens if I decide that I don't want to listen to her anymore and go off to someone else? Will she hate me? Will she still reach out to me and tell me what I need to hear, what I want to hear? Will she still be the one with the most to share because that's just how she is and that's just who she is?
I'm in a dilemma. A good one. But one that I gotta get down and solve real quick.
Because I'm in the middle of November and it looks like it is gonna be a busy month ahead and a busier month still afterward.