Wednesday 6 December 2017

i got Donergy

Table and the Wall
I've been here a couple of times.

Well, actually, more than a couple.

I've been here long enough to see their wall transform from a plain whitewashed one to a wallpapered one filled with beautiful images of their Turkish homeland so much so that you want to drop everything and go visit. I've been here long enough to recognize some of the staff's faces. :)

I come here pretty often for lunch on weekdays.

A kebab wrap is great for the days when you're busy, when you've got stuff from work filling up most of your mind, when you know you're just wanting to fuel up and then get back to the laptop and the email and whatever you were doing before you decided to break for lunch.

Eating a kebab wrap can be pretty entertaining, cos' there is no way, no way, anyone can eat a lovely kebab wrap without dropping anything on the wrapper, or on the plate. If there's such a technique- and there must be one, given that kebab wraps are to-go foods that you eat on travel trips by bus or by car in a confined space- I'd love to learn it.

Right now I don't have that skill, and every time I have a kebab wrap, I'm dropping parts of the lettuce, dripping parts of the sauce and plunging sliced chunks of chicken on the plate altogether.

Which is why some days I have a Tombik for lunch instead, which is sort of an English-type muffin sandwiching sliced chunks of meat and topped with tomato, lettuce and a single pickle and which has got this burnt, burnt taste at the edges that make it somewhat special.

I've had dinner here some days, where I choose a plate of chicken kebab and rice. It's really different from our local version of chicken rice, of course, with olive-oil infused rice, chunks of sliced chicken, a heap of lettuce and tomatoes and the pickle, and the best-ever garlic sauce I've ever had.

I don't know whether it is meant to be salad dressing or not, but it is soooo good.

I always ask for more in a really polite, nice way... :)

One thing I like is that they sometimes spring surprises on the menu for you, which is as much as one can say about keeping with the customers' tastes. The other day I was wondering if I could try something different and when I bopped up to the counter, there was this Spinach-something and this Mushroom-something, so I chose the Spinach something that sounded really tasty and truly it did! :)

Lots and lots and lots of melted cheese... :)
Spinach Something
Funny thing is, I don't know what it's called, so I'm calling it the Spinach Cheese Boat for now, but anyway, it does look like it, don't you think? Next time I'm ordering the Mushroom Cheese Boat, and when I do, I'm going to remember to take a picture.

It's nice being here. There's a homeliness about it and a casual vibe about it that makes you feel comfortable every time you step in. There's that kind of vibe you get that you could be alfresco by the pier side or in the middle of the city with glass-windowed skyscrapers. It's.. familiar. That's the word. Familiar.

If you're not sure the first time, you'll grow into it, sooner or later. I like the ambience. I like the vibe, and I definitely like the telly they've screwed to the ceiling. Because they've chosen the telly programs well,  No CNA, no CNN, no CNBC, no latest news updates. No local programming. No long-winded drama series. No Netflix type series. No discussion type of television series. No sci fi even. Just light-hearted, simple comedy- they're having Mr. Bean reruns now- and cartoons- they got Tom & Jerry one time- and sensual, sexy, handsome, vacay-inducing Turkish pop MVs. :)