Thursday 14 December 2017

voices Done

I am very happy to say that the voices, all six of them, have finally said what they wanted to say and we are good to go.
Well, technically, it's not six, its.. umm.. four.. two can't speak, cos' you know, no access and all, but I think we've got fairly enough. We've got all, or if not most, of what we need from the four.
It's a milestone reaching here. And it has been quite a journey getting to where we are today.
Oh, it does sound cliche. I know that. But really, from the time when the options were given, more than a couple of years ago, I didn't think we'd get to this phase. In fact there was a phase where I worried we'd never even get here at all.
Sure, we had a couple of lines. Sure, I had a couple of notebooks written, rewritten and re-re-written, all with information and notes and ideas penned in full form but in different styles, but it wasn't getting nowhere. It wasn't like there was a set journey, a set route. Don't even mention the arc. There wasn't even a beginning, nor even an end. There wasn't even a middle.
There were just... pieces of the jigsaw.
And then when the time came to fit the pieces of the jigsaw together, I got stuck. Like, whoops, no moving forward, no moving backward, no moving anywhere! There must have been a few (not too many) deleted documents. -_- -_-
But here we are now. With a couple of voices talking about a few different scenarios. I've counted them. Let's just say that they make up more than what I originally predicted, and it is just so amazing that when you place them all together and slot them into a run or sorts, you realize that yup, it really, truly, is coming together.
With a bit of sorting, a bit of cleanup, a bit of coordination and we're ready... for the baker, and the Oven. :D