Tuesday 23 January 2018

spacing Out

I'm not anywhere near this area right now.
In fact, I'm pretty far away from it.

But even at where I am, at my desk, with my laptop open in front of me, the sight of this picture transports me to the very area where I stood, gazing out over the waters, admiring the glow of the setting sun, oblivious to the crowds around me, enraptured by the beauty that only a sunset can bring.

No doubt, this area charms me. Harborfront, Vivocity, Sentosa Island, Labrador Park, Keppel... the entire area has a certain magic which I can't describe, and I don't know whether this particular feeling has always been there, or whether it has been enhanced by the sight of the ferries in the harbor. 

Maybe so.

I wouldn't be surprised.

Because how is it that barely an hour away from this bustling, busy, concrete and glass city with a couple of green spots here and there, lies an island in the Riau archipelago that has mountains and streams and that is part of a country that has seismic activity and volcanic craters and supervolcanoes and tropical rainforest?

How is it that barely an hour away lies Batam, which is part of the Indonesian islands and where everything is geopolitically different?

It puts me in a pensive mood, this realization.

It gives me hope too.

And maybe that's precisely what I'm clinging to.

Maybe that's the emotion that I'm holding on to.

That as much as there are things to be done, so there exists a world where there are other things that get done, and they and us all dwell in this realm of living, this earth, this soil, this water, this planetary home. :)