Monday 1 January 2018

Blessed New Year.. to me!

Well, it certainly does feel like winter this morning, or a winter as wintry as this island can be. The skies are grey, the winds are cool and there's a general sense of silence all around. :)

Some say it is a bad thing.

I say otherwise.

Unusual, maybe, but not a bad thing, and definitely not a curse. I'm not talking about  us having temperatures like that of countries that do have winter. I'm just talking about what is, what can be, and what used to be on this island. We had sunny days, yes, but we had more days of winds blowing all around so much so that the northeast winds ran from November to April and the southwest winds from April to November.

I could go on and on about my obsession with weather but that would be a whole story altogether. :)

I'd simply say that such weather does make one more disciplined to start the day, that's for sure, but hey, that's how it is.

Truth is, I like it. I like autumn and winter and though there's such a thing as winter blues, frankly, such blues happen everywhere, even on sunny tropical islands. Having warmth and sun does not make one immune from the emotional wretches of life. 

So, given that there has been rain, lots and lots of rain in the past couple of days and even this morning, I see this as a year forthcoming of great and good things, of comfortable journeys, of peaceful interactions, of effective collaborations, of projects big and small that see the light of day (and bring the moolah in).

I see this as a year forthcoming of good health for those whom I care about, of joy inside and out, of happy days and safety and general good condition of everything that I own.

And I see this as a year of happy foods, of bike rides, of celebrations, of Korean dramas, of good music, of travel *wink*, of quieter moments, of staycations *wink*, and of sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. :)