Monday 15 January 2018

Hotel Jen Tanglin

I knew this hotel from when she was still called Traders. Back then, her decor seemed to be reflective of an upscale business hotel reminiscent of the late 80s and early 90s, a place where you could come back after a day filled with meetings and discussions, whip off your shoes, throw your briefcase onto the bed, throw your handbag at the side, take out your papers and lay them out on the wooden desk before going to take a good, long soak in the tub.
But the tub has gone now. Alongside with the name change and an extensive renovation inside, they've dismantled the whole tub, replacing it with a more spacious-looking shower stall. Apparently the business travelers of today are more shower-power people than soaking-slow people. They are also people who prefer cleaner lines for their furniture warmer lights and quirky artwork on the wall. Some rooms have sketches of bicycles. Others have sketches of shuttered windows.
The place is now all very Instagrammable. Nearly every spot is Insta-worthy and bloggable.
And no doubt, Hotel Jen Tanglin is one of the hotels that has successfully transformed herself from a place of the 90s to a place of the present day where business people are no more only the suit-jacketed and leather-shoe shod, but can be with laptops, backpacks, messenger bags, bucket bags and designer sneakers, where Influencer marketing reigns through blogs and social media and where travelers and visitors have greater mobility all-round much more than before.
Clean lines, lighter, movable furniture and lighter vibes are what make the world of today and she embraces that completely. Gone are the heavy vibes from her previous decor. Gone are the heavy lampstands and heavy armchairs. Today. from her corridors, which have more wall lights and none of the heavy, dark wood doors now, to her furnishings, she's definitely as Millennial as Baby-Boomer as she can be.  

What I love though is that she has retained her sense of warmth. That's what Traders had. That warm, cosy feel that hugged me every time I stepped in. This Hotel Jen is the same. Maybe it is the decor. Maybe it is the choice of furniture. Or maybe it is the color. Bronze, brown, black, camel, khaki and olive green, with splashes of bright orange, green and blue here and there.


She makes an easy, comfortable stay, this hotel property. They've got a comfortable bed, comfortable pillows, cushions that you can use either on the sofa or on the bed, a great shower, neat toiletries, bath robes, bedroom slippers, a cute long cabinet for those outfits that need hanging, wide drawers, and more than adequate space for the suitcases. I have a special fancy for the desk though. Its so neat, and so high that it reminds me of those co-working spaces where one is encouraged to work either standing up or at the bar counter. :) Very Millenial, I told ya...
I've eaten at their restaurant downstairs. I've eaten at Ah Hoi, chili crab, salted egg crab, lunch sets and all. I've been to their club lounge and hung out there in the late morning, the late afternoon and even at night, which is a very cool thing if you wish to have a bout of quiet or even get some work done.
The only thing that I haven't really done is to hang out by the pool and go into the in-house spa.

But she has been part of my life journey for a while now... and whilst this isn't the usual PR spiel, can I say, with all sincerity, that she has been here through moments of living and of life?
It was here that a bowl of laksa curry became more than a bowl of laksa curry. It was here that 12 dishes became more than just 12 dishes. It was here that truths were explored and secrets hidden for years were revealed. It was here that the first deal- after a long, long while- was signed. And it was here where a selfie titled Sadako was taken because it was just one of those days and those days were remarkably challenging ones.
The hotel has become more than just another property. She has become a friend, a go-to, a consistent companion in the realm of hotel stays, friendly hi-s and bye-s and business discussions, and with her rooted where she is, may I say that I hope she'll continue to be so for lots of times to come. ;)