Wednesday 3 January 2018

on Daffy's Debut ride

I wish I had pictures of my new bike but I haven't gotten around to getting out the camera and snapping pics of her. So far I've just taken one pic of her, and that was with my phone.
But I will.
I definitely will.
Especially now that I'm going to be regularly writing about my weekly bike travels like a sort of documentation which I can look back and read at will and make an experience out of it.
We've had three rides since. One short, one medium, and one long. :)
We actually started with the medium ride. That was the very day we got the bike. :) See, what happened is that I'd made plans to meet a friend at Vivocity for dinner so we decided that we'd bike there from the Bike Connect shop at Kim Seng Road. 
Great ride, it wasn't difficult, the muscle memory felt it all, and after dinner, we took the medium length route back to the east side.
There're lots of things that seem the same and in a way they are the same, but they're also different. Like how the road coming out from Vivocity towards Mt. Faber is now wider than it used to be. Where it used to be just one lane, now it is two. Then there seem to be more exits from Nicoll Highway than the last I remembered, or maybe I hadn't gone on the Highway towards Mountbatten side for so long.

We went on a short ride the day after, a very quick one, because I wanted to test out my regular grey walking shoes  with floppy pants and my co rider decided to test out the lights.

The long ride was another day still.. :)

And a great one it was, being rained on and all.