Tuesday 19 July 2022

Changi Beach at Dusk

On a Saturday evening couple of weeks ago, I took a bus from Bugis all the way down to Changi Village. 

It was one of those weekends where you didn't feel like staying at home but didn't feel like doing anything else either. 

Also, it was warm. 

In times like these, the best thing to do is to take a bus ride. 

So I did. 

Hopped onto Bus No 2 from Victoria Street with a friend and stoned all the way down to Changi Village. 

I wanted to see the sea. 

It was a bit of a challenge trying to decide whether we should have an early dinner or wait till the crowd had dispersed. 

But then we thought it might be too late after, so we went for the early dinner option instead. 

There're a couple of good eating places at Changi Village. 

There's a place offering mookata, there's a coffee shop offering zichar and dim sum, and then there's the famous supper place that's got nasi goreng, kuay teow goreng, murtabak, and a variety of Thai-Muslim food.

Their lychee soda, teh o air limau and smoothies are the best. 

Today, however, we didn't go there.

We went to the hawker center instead where we deliberated on what best to get. 

My friend went for the mutton soup. 

I went for the char kuay teow. 

I thought of getting the chicken wings or the nasi lemak or the goreng pisang but then I'd had the chicken wings last time and I didn't feel like having them today. 

Also, goreng pisang and char kuay teow together seemed too much on the fried-fried side, so I declined. 

Despite the crowd, I'm glad we didn't have to wait long for our food. 

We would have missed the sunset otherwise. 

Changi Beach is one of the few places in Singapore where you can get an excellent view of both the sunrise, and the sunset. 

I've watched the sun rise at a very specific spot on this beach before. 

I've also watched the sun set at a very specific spot on this beach as well. 

Night owl that I am, I don't get to see sunrises very much these days. 

But sunsets are more my thing. 

And to see Pulau Ubin silhouetted so beautifully against the twilight blue against the deep orange glow of the setting sun filled me with a sense of awe, and a feeling of peace.