Monday 25 April 2022

Wu Shui Men @ Parkway Parade

In recent months we have been very enthusiastic about Taiwanese food, and in a very short time we've been several times to Isshin Machi and Typhoon. 

But- except for the Isshin Machi at East Coast Road- most of the places are in town- which on weekends we don't necessarily want to go.

Enter Wu Shui Men at Parkway Parade, a five minute bus ride from Joo Chiat where we usually are. 

This place is near the back of the mall where the side entrance of Isetan used to be. 

Friends familiar with the Parkway Parade of old will remember popular sandwich place DOME. 

Yep, Wu Shui Men is exactly where DOME used to be. 

The color palette is completely different, of course. 

Where DOME used to be all dark brown and green, Wu Shui Men's all orange and pale wood. 

Some of the chairs resemble garden chairs, and some of the dining areas have got benches for groups of three or four. 

We often take the bench tables when we're there. 

It feels more spacious, and it's easy for us to plonk our bags, open a laptop and spread the cutlery out. 

Their menu, although thick, is heavily controlled, however.

At one time they used to present a wide variety of dishes. 

Now they've whittled down to a couple of rice dishes, crispy cutlets and a couple of side dishes here and there. 

Some days it takes us a while to figure out what it is we want, but eventually we find ourselves going back to our usual set anyway.

It's got everything we like.

There's a big bowl of lu rou fan (which admittedly has more rice than lu rou compared to other brands, but never mind)

There's a huge piece of crisp chicken cutlet (which is so big we cut it up with a knife and fork)

And there's a little plate with a hard boiled egg, a piece of stewed tofu, a slice of Taiwanese sausage and pleasantly sourish vegetables that not only whet the appetite, but go super well with rice too.

Special mention must be made of their chicken cutlet and their popcorn chicken. 

From the looks of it, you'd think it be hard and dry. 

But, no, they've done it rather fine. 

The skin is crisp and salted to perfection, but the meat is clean-tasting, tender, not oily, easy to chew and has its juices retained inside.