Tuesday 26 April 2022

Typhoon Two

The first time I went to Typhoon I had the waffle. 

The second time I went to Typhoon I had the souffle pancake. 

This time I went to Typhoon and had the waffle- again.

They've got an array of amazing desserts on the menu (cakes, tea, parfaits, souffle pancakes etc) but this waffle is one that I would recommend, and which I will always go for. 

You can say I'm attracted to unique offerings. 

Of which this waffle is one. 

There's mochi inside!

How many waffles you know have chewy, sticky, marshmallow-like mochi inside?

Not just that, there's a boing boing milk pudding that melts in the mouth. 

And then there's a scoop of spritzy honeycomb ice cream with sweet, delicious crumble by the side.

It's all very lovely, I tell you. 

Best of all, it comes served with a jug of Thai milk tea sauce, a heap of boba pearls which I mistook for blueberries the first time, and a nice, snowy sprinkling of icing sugar. 

I have a special love for this waffle. 

It's one of the desserts that I'll gladly go for, again and again. 

And I won't mind making it a main meal all for myself.