Wednesday 20 April 2022

I Met A Friend at Changi

Words cannot describe just how happy I was to be able to (Finally) meet up with this friend of mine.

The last time we met was a couple of months ago at her place in the morning, and we hadn't been able to catch up with each other since then. 

This time schedules permitted only the evening, so we decided to meet at a place convenient for the both of us. 

Changi Airport. 

It's one of my favorite places.

It's one of her favorite places too. 

We've hung out here a few times. 

One time we bought egg tarts from Tai Cheong to munch on, and got pandan tarts to go. 

Another time we had dinner at the A&W in JEWEL because it was my first time there after a very long while and I wanted curly fries, so we got a burger meal each, topping our drinks up a root beer float. 

One Chinese New Year she brought me to see the flowers up at the canopy and we lay on the synthetic grass looking up at the clear blue sky. 

In recent years we've hung out at the waterfall. 

It's one of the post-dinner things we like to do. 

We did the same thing this time. 

Met up somewhere in the basement of Terminal 3 (because I had planned to take the bus but somehow ended up on the train) then headed straight for dinner to Jewel where we did a wander about in a couple of circles trying to decide what to eat. 

At first we thought we might take a katsu (From this very well known katsu place) but later she remembered there was a chain place in the basement, so down we went the escalators one by one until we got to the basement. 

She is familiar with the territory. 

I am not. 

So I simply followed her. 

We had the same dish- I think it were slices of salmon over rice- and a plate of grilled chicken pieces accompanied by a very interesting condiment that was salty, savory and sourish all at the same time. 

We talked about our families. 

We talked about the joys of being alone in our own space. 

And we talked about familial patterns during the season of Chinese New Year. 

It's lovely that we get to know each other better and better. 

It's lovely to be able to just sit and chat and share. 

Especially since it isn't every day I get to sit cross legged by the Shiseido-sponsored waterfall in the airport and catch up over Fairprice-bought banana chips with a dear, dear friend.