Thursday 15 February 2018

the MOS scallop Burger

Scallop hidden inside

Cabbage? Lettuce?
I didn't think I'd capture my scallop burger looking so softly lit, but there you go. Natural light works wonders all the time. :) I was at the outlet over at Paya Lebar Square and my seat was right next to the window and so it being a warm day, there was plenty of natural light filtering in through the glass.

I ate this burger sometime in early December, and now I'm hoping that I'll get to eat it in February, March, May, August, September and October too. Better yet if they make this a permanent fixture on their menu. :) 

If they did, I'd be sure to make this an addition to my present dual repertoire of ebi rice burger and fish filet burger. Orders are habitual, and these two are what I have most of the time when I'm there. Particularly the ebi rice, because, well, prawn filet burgers made with rice patties and sprinkled with tiny strips of seaweed are pretty unusual, and pretty Asian, are they not? The fish filet, well. I make an order of it when I want to have tartar sauce with my fries, mainly because they are really generous with the tartar sauce here and it goes well with their thick cut fries. 

MOS Fries
But to have the scallop burger.. that's another thing altogether.

I don't know where else I can have it. Are scallop burgers the newest offering in the market? I don't know. But to date I haven't yet seen them in any of ths seafood shacks. Oh, they've got lobster, prawn, mussel even, but scallop? Not so much.

Which is why I find this a very, very unique offering. Because not only do the Japanese do a good quality scallop burger- there're two of them inside the patty and they're really tasty- they manage to incorporate the hotate into fast food, and better still, keep at a fast food price.


That's as great a price for hotate I'm going to find anywhere. :D