Sunday 4 February 2018

pretty foods: Cereal Egg Tofu

This economical rice stall serves up what I call as 'seldom-prepared' dishes from time to time. I think they're doing market testing, you know, like test whether customers like this new dish based on the frequency of orders, or how fast the dish moves. :)
I don't mind. Adds some spice to the usual lunchtime repertoire. 
They did it with the salted egg fried chicken at one time. Around the period where the craze started- salted egg crossiants, salted egg fish skin and all- they started offering this dish on the counter one or two days a week. Initially the price was more expensive. But I guess everyone likes salted egg at economical rice prices, because they're offering it almost every day now and it's not so expensive anymore.
I hope they make this Cereal Egg Tofu dish a permanent thing too.
Like dessert sia
It's nice lar. You know the Cereal Prawns at the zi char stall? Ah, same thing lar, but egg tofu instead of prawn. The cereal doesn't alter the taste of the tofu but it gives the tofu that little bit of extra crunch plus there's the sweetness that comes with the cereal.  
I quite like it. :)
Only thing is, next time I won't order sweet sour pork and this cereal tofu together anymore. Savory and sweet flavors mixed with (less) white rice suits me better. :D