Monday 12 February 2018

pasta at Marche

Light Above my Head

Empty Table for Now

Rosti and Sausage with the Cream

Mushroom Soup
I must have missed Marche more than I thought I did, because for some inexplicable reason every picture that I've taken on this windy, rainy evening has got that feel of the vintage to it.

Just look at the lampshade.

There is no reason why a lampshade would be that interesting, decor being decor, but I so happened to look up whilst I was waiting at our table, and for a moment, I thought the gingham looked pretty interesting.

Neither is there a good reason why the table would be fascinating, but I had nothing to do and so ran my fingers over the wood and for a very quick moment, I got this sense of solidity, assuredness and good, farmhouse comfort right from the wood.

But the food is really vintage to me.

A warm, pleasant, sturdy, comforting, resassuring sort of vintage that reminds me of earlier meals eaten during the earlier days of Marche Singapore when they were still at Heeren.

The food hasn't changed. The rosti and sausage and sour cream and mustard are still as filling as they used to be. The mushroom soup is as rounded and comforting as it always has been. And the pasta, well, I'd actually been craving it for days... :D 
