Saturday 17 February 2018

pretty foods: Toast and Eggs

If at first glance you think the eggs are looking way too sexy for an innocuous morning breakfast, let me tell you that I did not plan the shot and I had absolutely no idea that they would turn out looking this way.
Just goes to show that sensuality can be found anywhere, and anytime, even on a bright, sunny morning at a coffee shop somewhere in the middle of the Bedok housing estate heartland. :)
Our morality mentors will have a fit, I'm sure, and so will our tourist board people, but hey, let the Singaporean ownself define what a Singaporean breakfast is like, and don't bother so much lar. After all, if the eggs want to come out looking like that, what can I do? Retake ar? For how long? Then my Co Diner how? Sit there and wait and wait and wait is it? And don't come and tell me rubbish like, haiya, take picture for what, just eat lar, eggs and toast only what.
True, it is eggs and toast only, and maybe it is not as fanciful as what a typical American, English, Meditterranean or Continental breakfast might be, but it is our own d*** breakfast, and if we are not going to take pictures of our (sexy) eggs and (local bank logo) toast at a coffee shop somewhere in the middle of the HDB housing estate and post it on social media, then pray tell, who else is going to do it? :) :)