Thursday 1 February 2018

errands with Daffy

I didn't feel like doing a long ride this weekend.
No particular reason. No particular physical reason. I just didn't want to. Not with my brain totally spaced out and getting distracted with thoughts and troubling emotions. There's focus, and there's risk. I wasn't going to risk my distracted brain for the sake of a long ride.
No way.
So I decided to make it an errand ride instead.
Over to the nearest shopping mall for reams of paper. This mall is one of those locations where it is too far to walk yet too near for a bus, so the best mode of transport..? Bike. :)
I took the route along Carpmael Road, then Ceylon Road then East Coast Road. Whoever said that the East area was relaxed and laid back wasn't talking about East Coast Road on a Saturday afternoon. Far from being laid back, I found myself dodging cars- big ones- sliding my way along the double yellow line then hopping off and crossing the pedestrian crossing on foot. Rules, yo...
That must be one of the busiest crossings ever on the East Coast side. Not only are there cars turning out from Joo Chiat Road, there are cars turning in from Marine Parade Road, and on this side of East Coast Road- the side leading to Still Road- nearly everyone is there braking really slowly because they're all searching for a parking spot before going for lunch.
Which means there's a tailback somewhere...
The laid back vibe probably starts only after Still Road, or after Telok Kurau. You know, the Siglap, Frankel Avenue, Simpang Bedok area.. :)
I went for another errand ride after. For dinner this time, towards Geylang Lorong 11 where I wanted Bak Kut Teh, and which is probably the only bak kut teh place that I will happily go to eat at.
And of course, I could have taken the simpler route that guides me along Haig Road, then a left, then right onto Geylang. But the Co Rider decided to be a tad more unusual and go onto Dunman Road, Old Airport Road, into Jalan Satu, which is very scenic and quiet, by the way, then out onto Guillemard Road, then into some Lorong (24?) and then onto Geylang and then across it to Lorong 11.
I like my route straightforward and simple. The Co Rider thinks otherwise sometimes.
Oh well.
At least we went back on a much more simpler route. Down Geylang, onto Sims Way, then Old Airport Road, then back onto Dunman Road. Pity I didn't get to stop at the quiet Dakota Estate though... -_-