Monday 19 February 2018

chicken at Boon Tong Kee

Let me first say that usually (usually!) I don't have a particular favorite when it comes to iconic local foods, cos' to me they are all heritage, and they are all integral to what makes the Singaporean cuisine, but when it comes to white steamed chicken Hainanese style, I have to say that I prefer the chicken at Boon Tong Kee over Tien Tien, Loy Kee and Wee Nam Kee. 
Exactly why, I don't know. Maybe it is a palate thing. Everyone has different tastes, and whilst some like their chicken more flavorful, others like theirs a little bit more oily. 

I like mine the way they serve it here.

Wholesome, honest, no frills steamed chicken basked in a bit of sauce that leaves just that hint of taste on your tongue, and which comes with rice that is presented to you in the shape of a pyramid.

I've been curious about the shape for a while. I mean, it must mean something, right? But because I'm hungry every time I'm there for lunch, I clumsily crash the pyramid and forget to ask the wait staff why. I'll remember next time. :)

There's actually another reason why I favor having a meal at Boon Tong Kee over the others.
Their crispy tofu.

I don't really see this dish sold anywhere else but here at River Valley. I don't even know whether they're available at the other outlets. I hope they are. Because just like the chicken, there's a simplicity and wholesomeness to these lightly fried, bite sized pieces of tofu served with wasabi mayonnaise that keeps me ordering it time and time again.