Friday 2 February 2018

i Strum; i Pluck

When I received her as a Christmas present from The Parent just last month, I did not think that I would need her this desperately this soon.
I did not know that there would be a season where my brain would feel like it was going to explode, or that I would be so distracted in more ways than one, or that I was going to need the music singing from her nylon strings to help me get through a day.
I did not know that there would be a time where my emotions would go so out of whack that I would need a bit of self-expressed music to rein them all in just so I wouldn't go about my day in tears.
But that's how it has been for the last couple of days.
I wonder if The Parent knew.
I don't know. Parents somehow seem to detect things about you that you yourself don't. They're like a mirror sometimes and they're so accurate that it actually gets scary.
It was between the ukulele or the guitar. I chose the guitar. Specifically, a 3/4 one. I didn't want the full sized one, I told The Parent. What for, I said, we already have a full size one mah. And some more the smaller one is easier to bring around.
The Parent agreed.

I'm glad I made the choice of the guitar. Partially because I don't have to learn new chords (I'm lazy and I mix things up) and learn how to sing well. partially because I'm the melancholic, emo kind that likes to strum and pluck and sing along to whatever tune that comes into my head, and based on what I was seeing on Youtube, the ukulele didn't allow me to do that.
The most melancholic performance was Seasons in the Sun that was being performed by a pretty good player. One song! Just one song! And there's also the fact that somehow the chords seem to have a completely different voice on their own that harmonize together with the song but don't harmonize the song. And until I got used to it, I'd have to rely on my singing voice without my strumming chords to back me up.
I didn't want that.
Honestly I'm really glad I chose the guitar. She's been a solace to me, a solace much, much more than I'd anticipated. She's not expensive, this guitar, and she's one of the lesser brands, but I don't give a s***.
I'm sure The Parent would agree.