Sunday 13 May 2018

siew mais at Home


You know what's the most beautiful thing about this (simple) home-prepped dish of cuttlefish balls, shredded lettuce, ngoh hiangs, cherry tomatoes, fish cakes and siew mais?

It's not that The Parents suddenly decided on a whim that we hadn't had supper together on a weekday for the longest time and today was as good a day as ever.

It's also not that we were all seated around the dining table armed with mugs of Nescafe and plates and forks and that we had the radio playing our favorite night time program at the side.

But it is that I'd casually mentioned to The Parent a few weeks ago that we hadn't bought frozen siew mais from the supermarket for a long time and that I kind of missed eating it- and The Parent actually remembered.

I didn't burst into tears upon seeing the siew mais- that would be drama queen- but I did squeal happily and plunge my fork into the first one, and then later after I'd finished my equally divided portion, exchanged half a fish cake for another one. :)

It's times like these that make you thankful for family and loved ones, because we live in a world where there's so much talk and so much communication and so much noise clutter that having someone who really listens to you, processes it, keeps it in mind and then acts on it is truly a most pleasant surprise.