Tuesday 6 March 2018

TMCR with Daffy

Second time Daffy went on the Tanah Merah Coastal Road. The first time was in the day. This time, in the evening. Was there a difference? Did it feel longer? I don't know. I think it felt about the same. The funny thing about this new coastal road is that it is supposed to feel shorter because it's no longer a straight road, but even with the turns, you still find yourself wondering why you're not there yet, and goodness gracious me, getting to Changi Village I still have SIX kilometers to go?!?!

That's the most difficult part, I think, about cycling at the TMCR. Because unlike when you're chugging in a straight line, a curved route with plenty of wide, open spaces, a line of trees far from the path and even a glimpse of the sea makes you think that you've gone pretty far... until you look down on the path markings and realize that no, you haven't at all.

Still, it is a route that's full of charm, and admittedly I prefer. I love the wind. I love the space. I love the sight of the hangar. I love the sight of the sea and I love how magical it is that there are such pockets of natural feels on our heavily cluttered island which probably are awaiting to be discovered.

My Co Rider has a much different perspective from mine. And no surprise, for someone who actually managed to stone off whilst riding. Really. I know, because on the tail, I saw the bike veer onto the grass patch for a second before kicking back to the actual path. How a person can stone off whislt pedaling away, I truly have no idea.

Maybe bike karaoke might do the trick. I do that sometimes. Sing really loud to myself whilst I bike away when I think no one's looking. :)

In any case, we went ahead to Changi Village, had a coconut each, then made our way back east via Tampines and Bedok Reservoir. Avoid the TMCR twice at all costs, see. Actually, the original plan was to go via the Expo route and then Simpang Bedok, but somehow we got ourselves in circles at the Tampines side- where in the high heavens is Flora Road, does anyone know- and so we decided that hey, we could via Bedok Reservoir and then Eunos too, so that's the way we went. :)