Monday 12 March 2018

four years and Two Hundred posts

For someone who (used to) describe herself as a content strategist on Facebook, having two hundred posts spread over four years is really nothing to shout about.
At least that is what the Content Strategists would say.
They wouldn't be wrong if the created blog met a specific purpose, had a specific theme and which needed to cater to the numbers game of meeting specific content uploads per week, or per month. There's always this desire for content, for brand new content, for content that is relevant to the reader and the audience, and theoretically speaking, indeed, if needs be, one would have to issue fresh content as frequently as possible (depending on the best times!) to continue engaging the reader.
But this blog was not created for that purpose.
This blog was not created to be monetized upon, neither was it created with the intention of business or to lead me to sponsorship opportunities. I am not an influencer, I am not anybody in the sphere, I am not utilizing this blog to reach out to a certain community, share on a particular topic, reinforce what I do as a career or even make it a presentable portfolio. As such, I don't care about readers or followers or numbers and honestly, even if there be not a single reader, I wouldn't give a s***. I'd just talk to myself then. Some of us are pretty good at talking to ourselves anyway. :D
What this blog is, I'd say, is a chronicle.
A chronicle that began in the middle of 2014, stuck through the s*** years of 2015 and 2016, and got back up in the second quarter of 2017.  
She has seen days, this blog. Days when victims of depression threw themselves off toilet bowls and sat on their own faeces. Days when victims of depression decided that lying down on the pavement in the scorching afternoon sun was better than going to see a doctor for a head injury. Days when children of stroke survivors abandoned their parents because they got well. Days when there were zero showers, zero monetary resources, zero shelter, lean meals. sadako look selfies and worrying journeys.  
And she has faithfully recorded it all.
Step by step, story by story, theme by theme, whichever it is, however it might be, she's done that, this anyhow-write, freestyle, expressive, it-is-as-it-is narrative, a reflection of living, of life, of perspectives, of sharings, and of memories. :)