Thursday 22 March 2018

the Nokia age

As much as I'd like to gleefully say that I auccessfully merged my tech usage between two ages, I'm afraid I'm going to have to sigh and say that this has turned out to be a no-go.


I do cray things like these from time to time. Not so much as a deliberate experiment, as in. I went out and got a phone just to try it out, but it was a situaton where I needed to get another standby phone and since I was already having the standby phone, I thought, hey, let's give it a shot and see how it works out.

Let's just say that it didn't turn out very well. -_-

My key beef was with the keyboard. See, I've been using a QWERTY keyboard since my BB days and so, having to type a key four times just to get a single alphabet letter tested the patience out of me. And it didn't quite help that some of my messages were symbol-heavy, and if you guys still remember how the symbol page is, you'd know that I had to totally work the toggle just to get to the particular symbol that I needed, and if there were repeat symbols, I had to work the toggle all over again...

Took a heck lot of patience from me, honestly, and whilst I hung on to it for a while, I've since decided to forgo using the phone. For a while at least. After all, my Galaxy lets me use dual sim cards and unlike early, early days of tech, I no longer need to switch on and off the phone whenever I'm switching SIM cards. Not only can both cards run seamlessly side by side, thank God, I have the most wonderful option of choosing which card to use when making calls and sending basic messages.

Don't laugh, please... It may seem childish and unnecessary to you but it means a heck lot to me. :)