Tuesday 20 March 2018

the selfie Game

I'm getting better at the selfie game. :)

Once upon a time I thought that I'd never take selfies. Now I take selfies as and when I wish to, as and when I want to, with and without makeup. Sometimes the lighting is bleah. Sometimes the lighting is good. Sometimes my hair is all over the place. Sometimes my hair is just fine. Sometimes I take the selfie when there're lots of people around. Sometimes I take the selfie when it is just me and me alone.

But each selfie tells a story.

One was taken when I was lounging on the sofa and wondering how the gals did their selfies with their bedhead hair and baggy tee shirts and comfortable shorts, so I grabbed the phone and tried. Very difficult, I tell you- the light was funny, the angle was bad, and after twenty minutes of blah smiling at the camera, I got fed up, reached out for a cushion, used it as a prop and finally captured the shot. 
One was taken after a particularly trying time. Let's just say that I was b***dy tired from the previous day's events and the only reason this shot was taken was because I desperately needed a boost of confidence to reassure myself that all was going good, and that I was going to make it through the s***. It was either this selfie or a weepy breakdown.
I've included those that I took when I first got the phone. You can make a guess which they are. Quite obvious, actually, what with the saturation, the odd lighting, the horrible shadows. But I'm an advocate for capturing the moment as it is, and so, well, so be it then!
There are those taken enroute to work. I now know why people take selfies on the bus or the train. When we're anticipating a long day ahead, it is the pre-work selfie that grants us that special boost of confidence and uplift our tired spirits. It doesn't matter what we're wearing that day. Tee shirt, jacket or sweat shirt hoodie, we just gotta see on our screens that we're looking d*** good, take a deep breath, and go right ahead.