Monday 25 May 2020

The Tanah Merah Blues

This little island of ours may be just four degrees above the equatorial line, but as any local will tell you, it isn't every day that we have clear blue skies and clear blue seas like the Fiji and the Maldives.

And so when we do happen to be near the sea on a day when the skies and seas are blue, we take a picture.

Not just one or two.

But quite a few- and from as many angles as possible.

Some of us are happy with our gear of a phone. Some of us decide to be that little bit extra and end up using both a camera and a phone.

Whichever it is we decide to do, it is the memory of the moment that we wish to preserve.

And re-look at it again, we do.

You may find these pictures familiar.

That's because I wrote a piece about them not too long ago, but whilst those pictures were taken with my phone, these come from the camera that I'd brought out with me the day I saw these beautiful blue skies outside my window and on impulse decided to go for a quick bicycle ride.

And even though it may have been a few weeks now since these pictures were taken, the memory of that very instance when Daffy broke through the section of forested trees to the pathway that runs alongside the canal still sticks with me.
I won't so easily forget that sense of awe that filled me the moment I looked beyond the line of trees to the scene that you see in the first picture. Neither will I forget the sense of peace that this very scene brought me.
Having had a bit of ill-positive feelings associated with the Tanah Merah Besar area some time ago, it struck me that this very moment was one of restoration, of healing, of new beginnings, and that, even though I couldn't even remember when it was the last time I came here, she was waiting- with her serene, quiet, peaceful smile.

No more disquiet.

No more chaos.

Just a temporary goodbye to the landmarks of the city and a short venture into the untouched landscape of old countryside.