Saturday 30 May 2020

Mother's Day 2020

There were no cakes to be had for the Mother's Day celebration I did with The Parent at home this year. 

Where on previous years I had the freedom of choice between Bengawan Solo, Four Leaves, BreadTalk, Polar, Chateraise and Cedele, this year- no thanks to the rules of the Circuit Breaker at that time- there were none of the cakes to be had. Starbucks had none. Coffee Bean had none. I even went to Jacks Place. There were no cakes too. 

I searched all the retail I could think of, I tell you, but there were none to be found. Not even the mom and pop bakery shops commonly found in the residential neighborhoods.  One shop told me they were only allowed to sell whatever remained in their cake chiller. The other told me that they'd stopped baking cakes and would I like to purchase a cake-bread (a sort of huge loaf generously slathered in rich chocolate and decorated) instead?

There was one place, and one place alone that did offer cakes. 

Paris Baguette. 

And they had cakes for sale because they made those cakes on site in the store. 

So I went. 

But (because) they'd limited the offerings of their cakes to (only) certain stores- l didn't know- the outlet I went to had run out of them by the time I got there.

So I got the next best thing. 


Pretty, delicate, little macarons in flavors of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla individually wrapped and placed in a neat little box. 

I added a bright pink heart-shaped sticker. 

And on Mother's Day after dinner we had them, along with a slice of vanilla pound cake (bought from the supermarket) and mugs of our favorite coffee.