Tuesday 29 November 2022

Xin Wang's Food

Chicken curry is generally not the first dish that comes to mind when one thinks of when dining Xin Wang.  

But (surprisingly) they do theirs rather good. 

I'm not sure what the comparisons are, but the curry we had tonight at the Bugis Plus outlet was actually quite good. 

Perhaps someone might say that the curry isn't thick enough, or that they've stinged on the coconut cream, but I didn't think so.

The chicken curry here comes served to you with two (three?) pieces of chicken all cooked till tender. Chonky pieces they are too, whether it be the chicken drumstick or chicken breast, so no worry that it won't be a full meal. 

Along with the curry comes a piece of warm bread. (I think you can choose rice if you want, but we always choose bread) 

And in case you want more carbs, there're plenty of cute little potato wedges swimming about inside. 

I like the flavor of the curry they serve here. 

It's not rich to such an extent that your stomach will feel overwhelmed if you finish the whole bowl.

Neither is it so thick that you feel it cloying in your mouth or your tongue after each spoonful. 

It's light enough that you can drink it like it's some sort of soup. 

And it's creamy enough to make you feel like you're drinking broth. 

This chicken curry makes for a very fulfilling meal. 

Same thing too with the beef hor fun. 

Beef hor fun is a dish that's sometimes hit and miss.

Done well, you'll get a plate of great wok hei and smoky, tender slices of beef. 

Done not well, however, and you'll be served a plate of over-fried, very oily hor fun with pieces of tough, chewy beef. 

You never know what it is you'll get.

Neither will you know of its consistency. 

Xin Wang makes it like the former. 

Yes, there's oil- I could see it shine all over the thick flat noodles- but it didn't taste too oily, nor too greasy, and the texture of the noodle went very well with the many pieces of thick, tender slices of stir-fried beef too.