Sunday 10 February 2019

Strolling Sights: Little India


The title here says that I strolled along Little India, but truth be told, where I walked that evening was really just one section, of one section, of one section, of Little India.

It was not a very big one. 
It is difficult, if not impossible, to explore much of this interesting enclave if you have just one hour before  you have to go for a scheduled dinner appointment.

But you try.

So I took the route along Kerbau Road, passing by Annaporna Devi Sweets & Snacks, before going to where the map said the Colorful Little India Building was. There I stopped to admire the colorfully painted house- the only one of its kind in the area- poked at the walls, and snapped pictures of pigeons drinking happily from a sculptured water fountain.

From there I made a turn and walked along Race Course Road, passing by Banana Leaf Apollo, Sakunthala's, Anjappar Chettinad and the building that houses Foochow Methodist Church. After that, I continued onwards, going past Gayathri and Muthu's Curry before turning into Race Course Lane, crossing some sort of open field and then into the housing estate, before finally making it back to Belilios Road.

Like I said, it really was a very short walk.

But I'm determined to take a longer one next time.
And I will.

This time I shall come armed with my camera, my water bottle, my tissue paper, my sweets and my wet wipes, and I shall patiently clomp my way through, starting  from Tekka Market where Little India officially starts, until the junction of Lavender Road, which is where Little India officially ends.