Saturday 1 December 2018

Rose and Red Rock

I don't think I ever posted a picture of the bikes my Co Rider and I had before we were riding Daffy and Blue, so here they are. Both were Treks, mine was a tad smaller in frame, and they were mountain bikes.
Mine was called Rose because of the Rose flower sticker I stuck on the frame, and which lasted through rain and shine from beginning till the end. :) My Co Rider's was called Red Rock because it sounded masculine and no other name had come to mind.
Seeing this picture brings back some memories. The purple water bottle was Adidas, and I bought it from Royal Sporting House (because Decalthon had not arrived on our shores at that time). 
We've done round island pretty frequently on both Rose and Red Rock, and frankly, I do miss them both. They were sturdy, they had their charms and they stood out when placed together, Call them basic level entry bikes but hey, it is a matter of personal preference, no? 
In any case, I'm what you call a leisure rider who goes on what they call "smell flower" rides.
In other words, I'm the kind that hates climbing up hills, brings a snack and butter sweet plus a rain parka along in the backpack, and will stop to take pictures with a camera when I want to, speed be damned.
I'm also the kind who will feel paisei to tell the aunty walking on the concrete pedestrian path ahead of me to "excuse please let me pass" because I can see that she is holding two big red plastic bags containing what I think are stacks of hell notes inside.
But, really, Rose was my first real good bike, and it was Rose who taught me to love riding.
It was Rose who gave this no-skill rider the pleasure of feeling the wind in her hair, the ache in her legs, the exuberance of exploring and going places, and the joy of keeping fit.
She brought me around places, Rose did, and I can say that I've been to more places with Rose than I have with Daffy, but of course, I've only had Daffy for a year and Rose was with me for all of five.
All I can say is that I hope she's with happy people and that she's making them as happy as she made me.
By the way, if you own a bike that looks like Rose, and if you so happen to see me hovering around curiously, please don't mind. I'm not gonna steal it. I'm just trying to ascertain if this is an old friend I want to greet and pat and say hi.