Monday 17 December 2018

AFF Suzuki Cup

The last time I watched thirteen men chase after a ball over a grassy pitch was way back in June during the height of the World Cup season. That was the time when I was rooting for the Japanese and Korean teams because hey, #asian but of course neither team made it to the semi finals, and in the end I decided to throw my weight behind a South American team, Uruguay, maybe, or was it Brazil...
Okay, I don't remember.
I don't have any particular team that I root for. I mean, I know a name or two, and I know a soccer star or two, but that's about it. I don't know which team they play for. I don't know their role on the pitch, I don't know who won the last season, and I definitely don't know who has moved to where or how much they are paid.
Some of my friends do- they support Chelsea, Manchester United or Liverpool (very often it's these three...) or they know which team they want to support when the Italian Premier League comes in.

Me, I've no inkling at all. Nothing. I'm like, ah, okay, fine, that's nice, cool. Who won? Why? What happened? I thought the ball went in? Why are they running into overtime? Oh, it's a red card. What happened? I didn't see anything. So now how?
Yah, I'm this kind of soccer game viewer.
The only time I really do pay attention is when there're events like the World Cup, the regional Games, or like the AFF Suzuki Cup which I so happened to catch on the television the other day.
It was a match between Vietnam and Malaysia at Bukit Jalil Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, and I'm telling you, I had absolutely no idea that the Vietnamese could play so well. Terrible of me, I know, but really, I had no idea. I mean, I don't get much opportunities to see the Vietnamese play, do I?  

But judging from the speed that they were running around at, it felt like it was a good game- and, as I checked with the soccer playing Parent a few days after, yup, it was. 

Me being me, I didn't hang around long enough to watch the entire game, and so I had no idea that the particular game I watched was the semi final, and neither did I know that the game had ended in a draw.

It was The Parent who told me, and it was also The Parent who told me who was who and what the strengths of the Vietnamese team were and about the aggregate score and that the final would be on Sunday.

Well, it's Tuesday today.

And the Vietnamese won.