Sunday 2 December 2018

dinner: Paris Baguette

It would have been so lovely to come here in the afternoon for coffee and cake, but it was dinner time, I had a conference call to make, and a rushed meal of pretty cake and good coffee was just not going to cut it for me, so instead of dilly-dallying at the counter admiring and trying to decide between all of the gorgeous, pretty cakes, I decided I'd go for one of their sandwiches instead.

A most wonderful choice it turned out to be. :)
The order didn't take long to arrive, and when it did, here it was, slices of fresh tomatoes, slices of roast beef, fresh lettuce with really large leaves, sauce, a sort of poached egg, and some other ingredients of which I can't quite remember, all of it strategically placed between slices of perfectly toasted bread.
For someone who is really very simple in preparing her sandwiches- I'm the sort who slathers on a bit of butter and an even thinner spread of jam or kaya, done-- having such a deliciously stuffed sandwich like this for a meal was quite a novelty.
What surprised me was how filling it was.
See, I don't usually take sandwiches for dinner. It's a Chinese thing, maybe, but unless I want a light dinner, bread feels like a breakfast food or if not, at best, a lunch food to me. But for this evening, this all-rounded sandwich was sufficient.
It tasted good, it was satisfying, I felt just right after the meal, and happily too, the sandwich was so camera-worthy.