Monday 24 December 2018

beautiful Shadows


It was one of those afternoons in late summer where I was feeling sleepy after having had a lunch of tom yum soup and green curry chicken, and so  instead of heading to a random café in the neighbourhood #digitalnomad style, I was half-stoning by one of the campus benches along Bencoolen Street.

One eye was on the work in front of me, the other on the surrounding scenery.

Truth be told, I wasn't paying much attention.

I mean, this is Bencoolen Street- one that I am familiar with- and even though there have been some changes (hello, Circle Line and Downtown Line), the street is more or less the same.

But sometimes life reveals to you a perspective when you least expect it.

I would not have expected a cityscape as quiet, serene, reflective and contemplative as this, yet, on this very afternoon I looked up from whatever I was doing, and there in front of me, was this scene... the canvas of a smooth pavement painted over with beautifully emotional shadows, made more dramatic by the gently waving leaves hanging on the landscaped trees.