Saturday 1 December 2018

lobster mayo Sushi

It's a little hard to believe, but I actually don't quite remember the actual name of this beautifully shot, Instagram-worthy, wonderfully tasting sushi roll. It is the kind of shot that looks so great when posted on social media, but alas, I don't remember the name!

I know where I had it.
I know what it consists of.
I know roughly when I had it.
I just don't know what it is called.
Blame the lapse of time- it has been a couple of months at least, or the fact that I savoured it up not too long after this picture was taken and so didn't put in effort to take note of the name.
Nevertheless, if you happen to be dining at Ichiban sometime and want to have a nice little slice of tempura coated sushi topped with a dollop of lobster mayonnaise, well, you know how it looks like.
And I can assure you it looks as bright as it does here, and tastes as good as it does here, too.