Tuesday 24 April 2018

i Missed the Games

I don't understand how it happened, but somehow I seemed to have missed out on nearly the entire Commonwealth Games this year.
Yes, really. I didn't get to watch it at all.
Not the opening ceremony.
Not the closing ceremony.
Except for one Male Swimming Event of which I don't even remember precisely what event it was.  

Perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention to the information on the screen. All I know is that by the time I turned to the channel, this particular event was nearing its end, and although I managed to hang around long enough to see the Briton reach the end first, hear the Announcer say that the judges were huddling to discuss the results, and see on screen all the teams looking up at the scoreboard with nervous anticipation written all over their faces, I didn't hang around long enough to see the results... -_-
Kind of silly, actually, when I think about it, because this doesn't usually happen to me. 

Not since Rio 2016 when I got totally fascinated by the sports events that interest me, the sporting venues, the opening ceremony, the tracksuits and sports wear the athletes were wearing, the bright shoes, the makeup, the hair, the nail polish, and of course, all the good looking people in action.
In fact, the last Games event I watched was the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. which I don't play a single winter sport, and which I don't even understand at all.
In any case, yes, it is a pity that I missed out the Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast almost entirely, but it is over now, no point having regrets, so that's that.
I'm looking forward to Russia 2018, and I'll just have to make sure I'm more available for that. :)
After all, it IS Russia.