Wednesday 11 April 2018

a Contact Lens story

So I'm thinking about some stuff and I'm thinking about how to deal with those stuff, and I'm thinking about the processes that have led to these stuff. and I suddenly realize that there's really a story to be told out of all this.
A contact lens story.

It is a story that I'm familiar with, because I wear contact lenses, and I've worn them since I was a dorky teen- no, I will not show you pictures.

All contact lenses require solutions to soak the lenses in. It used to be that wearers needed three separate bottles for lens care. You needed saline plus cleaner plus the soaking solution. These days, wearers need just one bottle that does everything. It cleans, it rinses, it soaks, removes protein buildup, everything. It doesn't matter which brand you use, they've got a one-all solution these days. Very convenient.
Okay, let's say that I'm a first time wearer. I'll have to do my own research, ask the optometrist, check around and all that just so I know what to do. The ophthalmologist and/or the optometrist will suggest whether I should go for RGP lenses or non-RGP lenses. Both serve different needs and both have differing methods of care.
Now, if I've decided on the RGP- which is what I wear- and if I go to another shop and buy a contact lens solution but have not a contact lens case in possession to soak my lenses in, I cannot go back to this shop and demand for a refund using the reason that I don't have a lens case with me.
I cannot say, "Your Solution that you sold me is useless because I dont' have a lens case! Gimme back my money!"
Neither can I blame the shop for not advising me if I had the lens case in possession before I bought the lens solution from them.
Because if both RGP lens are already in my eyes, that is something I should know. If I didn't, I should have enquired of the ophthalmologist and/or optomertrist upon purchase of the lens. By the time I'm at the (other) shop, I should know that I must have the case before I get the Solution.
The Solution needs a case to soak the lens in. Without it, it is useless. Simple as that. So in the case that if I have the bottle of Solution in my bag, but not the case, I then have to go buy the case. And I cannot ask the shop to give it to me for free because "you didn't advise me".
There is no shop, or hardly any I know, who will give you the lens case for free when you buy the Solution. They may give it to you when you buy the lens, yes, but that is up to the Optometrist and his business. It is subjective. Oh, and given that RGP and non-RGP lenses utilize different soaking cases, if in the process I should change from RGP to non-RGP, I also cannot go back to the shop and ask them to exchange the RGP case for the non-RGP one.  
They'll simply tell me "you changed from RGP to soft lenses on your ownself, it's not my problem. I cannot exchange it for you even though now your RGP case cannot be used." And then they'll tell me to buy the non-RGP case. Because the soft, non-RGP lenses also need to be taken care of. Basically, no choice lar.
That's how life is.
Oh, and this story doesn't apply to the daily soft lenses that are sold at the optometrist. Those are somewhere in between both categories. I consider them a life saver- in more ways than one. :)