Sunday 8 April 2018

a Student's wall

I've never been to this place before.

And I suppose I'd continue to not have a chance to be here if not for the industry that I'm in.

See, future tech is a very fun thing, and because it is so customizable, it grabs the eyeballs of nearly every industry in the world. Whether you be medical, you be hospitality, you be engineering or entertainment or financial or education, future tech has its place, and what it really brings to the table is immersive engagement.

Here's the fun part.

Why should we go immersive, and how immersive should we really be? The first part is easy to answer. The second, umm.. not so much. At least not for the present moment where the tech is still rapidly growing and we're still hunting new purposes for practical application.

It's not that there aren't answers. There are, and some good tech peeps would be able to lecture away on the above question and I'm sure there're some papers out there. But I prefer to leave these technical discussions to them, and put my brain to what I'm really all about.

Creating the content that loads onto the tech- and adapting the tech for the end user.

Because, at the end of the day, that's an important part. The End-User. The good peeps here know this, and I'm glad they're really all-in for the End-User, and the End-User Experience... with the End-User Retention anchored somewhere deep in the mind. :)