Tuesday 17 April 2018

Hillview with Daffy

We knew right from the start that we were going to Jurong East. Our route, we were sure, would lead us from the East side to Geylang Lorong 1 where we'd stop for a dinner of mutton briyani and teh o air limau. (Side note: Don't underestimate mutton briyani for a shared meal. It is pretty filling, actually, and if the shop gives a mountain of rice, you can be sure that it will last you some time.)

We were sure too, my Co Rider and I, that we'd head to Vivo after that, because the route is pretty straightforward. From the mutton briyani place to the Merdeka Bridge then into North Bridge Road where it would be a straight road all the way down past one end of DUO, then past the library, then Bras Basah Complex and Raffles Hotel.

This doesn't happen usually but this time, I had a near accident right here when the car turning left on the third lane cut into my lane just as I was heading straight, and although he did have the right of way, still, he hadn't had his signal on- I'd have waited otherwise- and thankfully the car behind me braked in time and there was a minute's hiatus before I picked up and moved on.

Whilst glaring at the car that had cut into my lane. :D

So we went on from Fullerton right through Keppel and then on to Vivo where we stopped for a quick break of water- and an ice cream cone. Apparently my Co Rider took my very casual joke very seriously, marching back from the restroom break with a towering vanilla ice cream cone in hand.

It was straight on to Jurong East after that... from West Coast Highway all the way up until West Coast Park, which seemed quieter than I remembered it to be, but then again, WCP is one of the quieter parks. Much unlike East Coast Park where there are bikes and scooters and bikes galore, WCP is a better place to breathe in the sight of trees. A turn into the Teban Gardens somewhere there.. and we were at Jurong East.

There was one quick stop at the McDonalds in... umm.. JCube. (I nearly wrote Shaw Entertainment Center) Then we went up via Bukit Batok Road, turning into Hillview and chugging along the road. I think I just went along the route, not quite knowing where I was going, and simply following the signs until I came upon the mall which is pretty near MINDEF. Hillview Mall? Something like that. I forget the name.

Then it was up this very, very, very steep slope, so steep that I got down and pushed my bike.

When I came out, I was at Hillview MRT, which is right opposite the Salvation Army quarters. We went back from there, going down the road towards Beauty World, then turning left onto Dunearn Road, all the wya straight past the Stevens Road side, past the Adam Road Food Center and then Newton Circus and then finally Kampong Java.

It's a straightforward route from there, going past Rochor then out onto Victoria Street, but not before passing by Our Lady of Lourdes church where, it being the Saturday before Easter Sunday, had Mass, and thereby was unusually packed to the full, with outdoor seats under a white large tent.