Friday 20 May 2022

Wallpaper on the Walls

It was decided that we'd (finally) do up the wallpaper for the hall. 

He'd been wanting to do it for a long time.

Don't ask me why.

Maybe there are some impressions to get out of the way. 

Maybe there are some spaces that should be removed, repaired, and restored. 

It isn't that we've left it alone since those days.

We have been doing it gradually, step by step, over the years.

It's been mostly a bit here, a bit there, that sort of thing. 

The first major change was probably when we fixed up the aircon and painted the walls. The second major change would probably be the furniture, replacing the two seater grey IKEA sofa with a new cream colored sofa set, a cabinet, a furry carpet, a new dining table, and a couple of dining chairs.

This addition of wallpaper would be the newest, and possibly, the very last. 

I must say that the hall looks really good. 

At first i'd been afraid that the hall would be gloomy.

But I'd completely forgotten that we had floor to ceiling windows, that those windows were consistently open whenever we were at home (even when it rained- especially when it rained) and that the curtains were drawn most of the time.

Somehow the look became very well put together.

Very stylish, almost elegant even. 

I thought airy, sunny rooms were in vogue. 

Turned out to be otherwise.

Perhaps I've been familiar with photographs of bright, sunny rooms with golden rays of sunshine streaming beautifully through the glass. 

Perhaps I'm still holding (uselessly) to the memory of those cozy, homely bedrooms in Channel Road Inn over in Los Angeles.

It's time to see things differently. 

It's time to adjust to what the reality is here. 

We're not a country of 5 degrees celsius- with blue skies and sunshine.

Neither are we a country of winter months and summer weeks.

We're a country of 36 degrees celsius- with overcast pale white skies, high humidity, (sometimes) stifling heat- and of course, glaring sunshine.  

The hall's become more color-coded, more restful, and like a line from a comic which I read not too long ago- black doesnt mean depressive, instead it embraces all the other colors and complements them.

Seeing the hall as it is now, seeing how the colors now shine against the darker background of the walls, yep, I gotta admit, indeed, it's true.