Wednesday 11 May 2022

She Drove A Volkswagon

The last car that I know she drove was a Hyundai of the MPV kind.

What model, I don't know. 

She didn't talk about the model very often.

Even though she was a good driver. 

I sat in her car nearly every day for close to two years, and not once did I see her flounder at the wheel. 

She was great on the highways. 

She was also great on the roads. 

There were times when I saw her jam the brake. 

But there were times I saw her effortlessly cut across two lanes on the expressway because she was hurrying to her destination. 

She was pretty good at parallel parking. 

Two, three times at most and the backside of the car would be in.

The Hyundai MPV was very important to her. 

Almost- if I may say- like her second home. 

Those days she drove out a lot. 

(Nearly) every day.

There was always something to be done every day. 

And  even if there weren't, there were all those impromptu trips to JB for dinner and shopping.

On those days where she drove the family out and decided to wait outside, she rested in the car, keeping herself occupied. 

Sometimes the radio was turned on to her favorite radio station. 

Other times she would sit in the boot of the car reading the daily newspapers spread out in front of her. 

She had a habit of writing in her notebooks using the steering wheel as a desk. 

And whenever she was tired she'd shift the car seat down to take a nap.

Miss Brown knew where all the places of free parking were. 

She also knew the times. 

The Hyundai has been gone more than a decade now. 

I'm not sure if she remembers it. 

Particularly since she isn't able to hold her license very much anymore..

I don't know if she drove any other vehicle after that. 

But I know that she saw no point in renewing her license six plus years ago.

It seems a little sad that she should have to stop driving, especially after having driven for so long. 

Her family tells me they drove a Honda once.

I know she's driven a couple other cars before. 

Several days ago I gound two different picturse of her driving two different cars in two different eras, both of which she was in the driver's seat. 

In those pictures she was younger.

In one of the pictures (of which we can't quite see her face clearly), the car was a Volkswagon. 

This is a car we probably don't see on the roads very much today. 

Even if we did, it would be considered vintage. 

However, not back then. 

It looks super cool- the photographer had taken the picture from the road standing on the driver's side.  

You can see her at the wheel. 

You also can see her smile. 

I wonder if that was the car she took her driving lessons in, if it was the car she passed her driving test in.

(If it were, you'd know it really were from a time past- no one on this island takes driving lessons in Volkswagons nor do they take driving tests in Volkswagons anymore)

One gets so many questions just seeing a picture liek the one above. 

Whose car was it? 

Which road was it? 

Is this road still here? 

If not ,what has this road become?

I'd love to know which road this was that she drove on. 

Same way I'd love to know which road this was that she drove this other car on. 

There're no landmarks, but it feels like a different place, a different car, a different time. 

I don't know the model of the car. (Does it look like a Datsun...)

I also don't know who took the picture. 

But certainly it is (an older) Miss Brown in the driver's seat- with the same bright confident smile.