Saturday 7 May 2022

The Sentosa Pond

We planned to go to Sentosa.

No, actually we planned to go to Resorts World Sentosa, specifically to Universal Studios Singapore because I thought I wanted to soak up some theme park atmosphere.

As it turned out, I barely got to see (or sense) anything at all.

Totally unexpected- I had been fine as we made our way across the boardwalk- taking the travellators to get out of the sun- but midway, goodness knows why, the mood just died. 

I guess there're just some days where the mood you think you have gets killed off for no particular reason, and the plans you've made (on the way) simply come to naught.

Fortunately we weren't intending to do anything huge in Resorts World Sentosa.

We just wanted to see the place-- not having had a chance to see it in a while- and maybe have a wife biscuit, a siew bao, or two. 

It wasn't that we did absolutely nothing- we did go to a couple of lobbies and we did drop in to several of the luxury boutiques that line the row between the Festive and Michael Hotels.

But we didn't get to have the wife biscuit and the siew bao that we thought we might have.

It's silly. 

Also a little disappointing. 

But I tell myself that I at least have these pictures. 

Never mind that they had been snapped whilst the mood was still alive.

To the very least, they're beautiful. 

They're a reminder that every situation has a silver lining.

And I must have faith that what I didn't get to do today, I can still do tomorrow.