Friday 21 February 2020

Toasting the End of 2019


You'd know by now that I can be quite an avid (and amateurish) photographer who loves documenting her life in pictures- and word-, and so here above be a collection of pictures that summate the year of 2019 for me.
It was a good year.
There were times when I wish it could have been a better year.
There were times when I felt I wasn't going to make it, and had it not been for a group of very lovely friends and loved ones whom I'm remarkably thankful to- you know who you are- I wouldn't be able to keep my chin up and my spirits light.
Your presence spokk volumes to me, and I trust that I will be the same to you as much as all of you have been to me.
Never in my life did I think I'd have friends and loved ones this encouraging, this supportive, this present.
And so I'm thankful and grateful beyond words.
I would not be able to say that 2019 was a good year otherwise.

I would not be able to say that I lived through all 365 days of it.
And neither would I have the presence, nor the frame of mind, to sit here writing this on the 22nd day of the 2nd month of the Year 2020.
Late, yes, but better than never, no?