Wednesday 12 February 2020

Christmas 2019: The Year of The Log Cake



Here be a picture summary of my Christmas for the year of 2019.
Yes, Christmas is long over, these pictures are not real time, and I'm two months late.
But Christmas is a celebration, these pictures are a celebration and I'm loving them as they are right now on the 10th day of the second month of the Gregorian calendar as much as I loved them on the 25th day of the twelfth month of the same calendar.
There is no rule that Christmas has to be only in the months of November and December.
And if the Passover is (by the Jewish calendar) around the month of September at which Jesus Christ was born, well, then Christmas can in fact be for the whole year!
Christmas is one of my favorite seasons. It is a season that gives me vibes of warmth, cosiness, quiet smiles, singing reminders of spiritual love and peaceful closures, yet it is also a season peppered with high heels, pretty clothes, holographic eyeliner, perfume and lots and lots of bling. 

This is one season that that dearly speaks to me- and one that I have always dearly loved.
Maybe it is the lights.
Maybe it is the feeling that the lights bring.
Maybe it is the rains of the season that bring with it chilly winds, sheets of refreshing raindrops, and a soft coolness in the air that no other time of the year can be.
Christmas is a special time for me.
And regardless how life may be, it is an occasion I keep, year on year, with myself, with friends, with my loved ones.
The year of 2019 was a quiet one, the same way it had been in years past. Loud celebrations are no longer my thing in any case, and so I was glad to have it as it was for this year.

There were family celebrations with lettuce and tomatoes and siew mais. There was the annual pilgrimage to several top-notch hotels to take pictures of their Christmas trees. And there was the must-do thing of strolling down Orchard Road to hop into the atmosphere, hear the carols being played on the overhead system, and admire the glittery, shiny lights.

Of course there was the Christmas Eve dinner, where even though it happened to be a little too rushed for my wishes- by the time we reached the place most of the other diners had left- I'm glad we managed to grab a meal in which I had carbonara pasta (not a dish I eat often, thank you very much), my companion had wagyu beef, and we ordered escargots to share.

And then on Christmas Day itself there was the cake.

If there's one thing I'm going to remember Christmas 2019 by, it will be THE YEAR OF THE LOG CAKE.

Because I didn't just get a slice of log cake.

I didn't just get even half of the cake.

But I got the whole thing . 

Yes, the WHOLE FULL SIZED cake, complete with box and decorations and all.

ALL for me. 

If I hadn't yet gotten into a Christmasy mood by that time (!!), I'd most certainly be leaping into one. 

Because I have a special love for log cakes- have had wonderful family memories of it since childhood- and this cake, laden with delightful chocolate flakes, moist chocolate sponge, a bit of cream, and rich blueberry filling, lput me in a warm, cosy, fun, festive mood for five whole days. 

The child in me really couldn't be any happier. :)