Friday 14 February 2020

Christmas: Cakes of 2019


You know, I was going to just plonk down the pictures of my cakes for the Christmas of 2019- and leave them there.

But then I realized that if Year 2019 Christmas was going to be the Year of the Log Cake, then maybe I should write a little more.

So here I am- with a bunch of pictures showing off my cakes for Christmas.

The first was a gift.

A very special gift from a few people who knew just how much log cakes mean to me.

See, I'm soneone who has pleasant memories of log cakes at Christmastime. The Family always had one year on year- it was either chocolate or vanilla during those days- and because there would be a good number of us at whosever house we gathered at, it was always lovely to see which family member got the first cut.

Very often it was the host.

Cakes for Christmas have evolved very much since then. I'm seeing all sorts of flavors at the confectionaries, the hotels, and even the supermarkets. Salted Gula Melaka, Red Velvet and Salted Caramel seemed immensely popular last year.

What I got, however, was a traditional one with thousands and thousands of chocolate flakes nicely laid over a log of moist chocolate sponge, fresh white cream, and rich blueberry filling that had blueberries inside.

It became breakfast and dessert for the next five days. :)

The second cake- called a stump cake- was a cake that I'd gotten for The Family. And I love it so much I've talked about it at least four times to anyone and everyone who would listen. See, we are a small Family unit that, whilst we do share foods with each other but we love our independence and like to divide them up equally too. 

That's how we roll.

That's the route we take for our Christmas cake every year.

In previous years, I've done some of the other bakeries, but this year I chose Polar for a special reason. Because when you have a dear friend who wielded her pen, her words, and her computer power to influence the management honchos to keep the individual cakes for the season, you honor the friendship.

And you honor the cake.

Not just for the friendship, but for The Family too.

Which is why this little stump cake becomes an extremely memorable one.

For not only did we get to have our own cake each- which comes in its own cute little box and is easy to carry around- not only did we get to try different flavors off each otehr's portion, we still got to keep allll the cake decor plus the stickers- three times over.

Tell me, what's not to love? :)