Thursday 7 November 2019

the Drinks people

Maybe they'll join us.

Maybe they won't.

I don't know.

I (ahem) hope they do.

Even though it would take nothing short of a miracle to have them drop in a message and say that, yes, after all the consideration, they're gonna join in, and how shall we take it from here? (Nothing Is Impossible)

Still, if this is not going to happen for 2019, I'm sincerely hoping that they'll come in for 2020.

Because I know what the s*** it is that I am doing, I know where it is going, I know its potential, its approach, its dynamics, and as much as there are sceptical eyes out there in the universe, I know that a partnership with them will be as good for them as it will be for us.

What we're doing is creating a platform than supersedes a singular live entertainment platform. Not that the curernt platform is going backstage, it's just... well... it's just that experiential entertainment is waiting in the wings and very soon you're going to find yourself being more than just a passive audience waving lightsticks in the air. You're going to be an active audience that participates in the platform itself, and for those who are keen, you're also going to grab a couple of technology (or whatever) techniques along the way.

This is as summarized a version as I can put it. :)

Beyond that though, on a quieter, more personal note, I'm just glad that I got the chance to drop into their offices near Clarke Quay this year.

Never would I have imagined that I'd be speaking to them about crates, bottles, glasses and bartenders.

But hey, I did.

And guess what, that's to me a big deal.

Because, you see, I'm a near teetotaller who chooses fruit beers, makgeolli and fruit ciders over cocktails, soju and beer, and although I can hold my champagnes, my reds, and my whites pretty well, truth is, I didn't start appreciating wines until about a decade ago, I didn't glug down makgeolli until a couple of years back (thanks to all the k dramas),  and it is still the case that gin, whisky, cognac, scotch and rum are as far from me as cigarettes and cigars are.