Tuesday 12 November 2019

a Facial Mist

You know, had you told me a year or so ago that I would be spending the next twelve months thinking, talking, and sharing so much about this brand- I'll tell you honestly- I would have found it hard to believe.

It isn't because I didn't think I wouldn't be dedicated to it.

But because there're a couple of us who are involved, and all of us are pretty stoked about this thing that we do.
It doesn't matter what aspect of the business we talk about. Whether it be about the product, the investment structure, or the series of large-scale activation events that are currently being planned, we're all very thrilled about SkinCalories, and Skins Festival in one way or another.

As we should be.

These are products that have been specially formulated, carefully curated and are now marketed in such a technique that, I can gladly say, differs from the general process of Marketing as so taught in Business School.

It begins with a good product. 

Something which SkinCalories has. 
Organic skincare is always a winner, and when you have one that has its ingredients not only certified in the EWG Green Zone, but is also lavender scented, and which complements your daily skincare, well, that's something I call a sincere winner. 

We have a couple of products in this range- a total of seven- and right now I'm glad to say that two are ready to go to market. The facial mist that has been on the plans for a while, and the lavender sunscreen which is heading into marketing and production. We're stoked about them- all of them- and there's a (quiet) sense of heightened anticipation between the personnel even as most of us are trying to tamp it down for professionalism's sake.

It isn't just about the product that we're thrilled about.

It is also the Technology- and the Marketing that embraces the Technology.

It was a conscious decision many moons ago that we would not focus on individual campaigns with each brand new product release, but to integrate the products (and the entire brand) into a series of large scale activation events that would fulfill the necessary Marketing KPIs whilst utilizing a formula that has already frequently applied to the entertainment industry. In that sense, we would combine the techniques of the entertainment industry and apply it to business-school systems that currently serve most of retail, branding and consumerism.

SkinCalories is not (just) a regular skincare brand, but it is a brand that embraces technology and innovation to plug the gaps in the market. It is one thing to utilize technology and all that it offers, it is another to make technology applicable to the most important people to your company- the consumers. SkinCalories isn't just about using augmented reality to enhance the company's drive towards innovation, it is about making technology interact with you.  I suppose I could rattle on about the incoming 5G network and so on, but that's technical, and  a little too complicated for this article's purpose, so I'd much prefer to say that the aim of this skincare brand is to interact with you.

To that end, the technology is already in place.

And we have the assets to accompany alongside it.

See the face of the girl on the bottle?

That's Magda. 

She's a digital ambassador, a digital character, created in 2D and 3D, who has a backstory and a dream she wishes to fulfill. Don't treat her like some flippant character which you can disdain and then toss away like trash. If I'm seeing it right, these characters will have a much greater influence upon you than you think. But that's for the future. Here, she's a girl whose image you will see here, there and everywhere  on multiple platforms as she shares her journey of dreams with y'll.

How she's gonna do it, well, I won't go into  the longwinded details- they'll surface as time goes by- but let's just say that it involves a fair bit of character development, a bit of flamboyant storytelling, a strong Internet network, live-rendering on a game engine, and a couple of pretty cool people. :)